Why Are You Here?

Why Are

For the past 3 years I’ve heard people talking about purpose but I didn’t understand why this topic is so popular. But now I totally get it!

When you were conceived in your mother’s womb you had a purpose. As you grew up from infancy to being a toddler all the way into adulthood you still have a purpose. Sometimes it’s completely in front of you and you realize it. Other times you are totally blind to it. Some people reach their purpose and begin to walk in it. I’m not saying that you need to walk around aimlessly allowing themselves to be blown wherever the wind throws you. Don’t rush the process, just take your time. Don’t procrastinate. This is not a sprint, it’s a marathon.

First it all starts with God. He created you and He placed a purpose on your life. He put something unique in you that will guide you to and through your purpose. You should know that your purpose is connected to God’s glory and the advancement of His Kingdom. This is something that should make you jump for joy because this means that your purpose is bigger than you and bigger than you could ever dream of.

Write down what you’re passionate about. Ask others what they think about you in 3 words. Look at the things you do and if they may you feel happy. These things can be connected to your purpose.

I’ve been asking God about my purpose for the past year. I want to make sure that I do what He wants me to do before I leave this earth. Well, finally 3 months ago my eyes were opened to what my purpose is. I’ve been given the gift of encouragement and I have been using it for many years, but I didn’t realize it was apart of my purpose. It wasn’t until I took the time to write down my passions and what I have knowledge in, then asking others to describe me in 3 words, that I knew what I had inside of me. I was shocked because everyone said the same thing. It was scary to be honest. But ‘m glad that I was pushed to do it because that helped me become one more step closer to my purpose.

Your purpose probably won’t look like the next person’s because you’re not them. You must go on your own journey to your purpose and as you walk in it. It’s going to be hard because your purpose won’t be the easiest step in your life. It takes faith because you will either find yourself completely lost or being successful in one field then it all falls apart. Purpose isn’t suppose to be easy and you aren’t suppose to be comfortable because it’s not all about you. You should be learning through this process so that you can help the next person. You never know, your purpose could be to teach, mentor, etc. What they learn from you can help them some day walk in their purpose.

Don’t be scared to walk in your purpose even though it’s the unknown. Ask God what you should be doing right now. You need to know this because why would He give you a bigger responsibilities if you aren’t faithful with a little.

What’s one thing you can do this week to help you get closer to walking in your purpose?


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